
What Are You Thinking?

Yesterday, Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama had this to say about impeachment:
"There's a way to bring an end to those practices, you know: vote the bums out," the presidential candidate said, without naming Bush or Cheney. "That's how our system is designed." [ ... ]

"I think you reserve impeachment for grave, grave breeches, and intentional breeches of the president's authority," he said. [Emphasis mine.]

*blink* *blink*

Let's review:

  • Torture of prisoners in US custody, in violation of the Geneva Convention and the Fifth , Sixth, and Eighth Amendments.
  • Comprehensive wiretapping of every domestic telephone line, without a warrant or even probable cause, in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
  • Leaving New Orleans and surrounding area to rot in the wake of hurricane Katrina.
  • Fabricating "intelligence" before Congress as a pretext to war (Congressional perjury).
  • Compromising a covert intelligence agent's identity -- destroying that agent's value in the field, and destroying the intelligence network that agent created and maintained -- solely for political retaliation.
  • Refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas.
  • Refusal to cooperate with oversight agencies.
  • Refusal to tell the truth about any damned thing at all.

And that's just off the top of my head.

Tell me, Mister Senator: If this does not constitute, "grave grave breaches and intentional breaches of the President's authority..." What, pray tell, does?

Seriously. I'd like to know. We would all like to know.

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